
『베노초 고졸리의 작품세계』 Ⅱ - Benozzo Gozzoli  [Italian : 1421~1497,Early Renaissance, Florentine School

문수봉(李楨汕) 2021. 4. 5. 08:04

『베노초 고졸리의 작품세계』 Ⅱ - Benozzo Gozzoli  [Italian : 1421~1497,Early Renaissance, Florentine School

ohyh45 2021. 4. 3


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『베노초 고졸리의 작품세계』 Ⅰ https://blog.naver.com/ohyh45/222296552862

『베노초 고졸리의 작품세계』 Ⅱ https://blog.naver.com/ohyh45/222297392624

Arrival of St. Augustine in Milan, 1464~1465, fresco, 220 X 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Baptism of St. Augustine, 1464~1465m fresco,

Location: Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Blessing of the Faithful at Hippo, 1464 ~1465, fresco,Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Conversion of the Heretic, 1464 ~1465, fresco,Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Death of St. Monica,1464 ~1465, fresco,220 x 230 cm,Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Disembarkation at Ostia, 1464 ~1465, fresco,Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St Sebastian Intercessor, 1464~1465, Fresco, 527 x 248 cm,

Nave of Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano

Funeral of St. Augustine, 1464 ~1465, fresco, Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, 1465, fresco, 525 x 378 cm ,Collegiate Church, San Gimignano

Raphael and Tobias, 1464 ~1465, fresco, Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Scenes with St. Ambrose, 1464 ~1465, fresco, 220 x 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Scenes with St. Ambrose (detail),1464 ~1465, fresco, 220 x 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine at the University of Carthage, 1464 ~1465, fresco,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine Departing for Milan, 1464 ~1465, fresco,220 x 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine Departing for Milan, 1464 ~1465, fresco,220 x 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine Departing for Milan (detail), 1464 ~1465, fresco,220 x 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine Departing for Milan (detail), 1464 ~1465, fresco,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine Departing for Milan (detail)m1464 ~1465, fresco,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine Leaving His Mother, 1464 ~1465, fresco,220 x 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine Reading Rhetoric and Philosophy at the School of Rome, 1464 ~1465,

fresco,220 x 230 cm, Apsidal chapel, Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine Reading Rhetoric and Philosophy at the School of Rome (detail), 1464 ~1465, fresco,220 x 230 cm,Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine Reading the Epistle of St. Paul, 1464 ~1465, fresco,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Augustine's Vision of St. Jerome,1464 ~1465, fresco,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Bartolus, 1464 ~1465, fresco, Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Fina, 1464 ~1465, fresco, Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Gimignano, 1464 ~1465, fresco, Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. John (detail of The Four Evangelists), 1464 ~1465, fresco,

St. Luke (detail of The Four Evangelists), 1464 ~1465, fresco,

St. Mark (detail of The Four Evangelists), 1464 ~1465, fresco,

St. Monica, 1464 ~1465, fresco, Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Nicholas of Bari, 1464 ~1465, fresco,Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Nicholas of Tolentino, 1464 ~1465, fresco,Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Sebastian, 1464 ~1465, fresco. Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St. Sebastian Intercessor, 1464~1465, fresco. 523 X 248 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St.Matthew (detail of The Four Evangelists), 1464~1465, fresco.

The Four Evangelists,1464~1465, fresco.

The Parable of the Holy Trinity and the Visit to the Monks of Mount Pisano,1464~1465,

fresco.230 X 220 cm, Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

The School of Tagaste, 1464~1465, fresco.220 X 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

The School of Tagaste, 1464~1465, fresco. 220 X 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

The School of Tagaste (detail),1464~1465, fresco.220X 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Tobias and the Fish. 1464~1465, fresco.

Upper Portions of the East (window), 1464~1465, fresco.

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Schema of the St Augustine Cycle, 1464~1465, Apsidal chapel, Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano

View of the Apsidal Chapel of Sant'Agostino. Cycle of St. Augustine, 1464 ~1465, fresco.

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

View of the Left Hand Wall of the Chapel, 1464~1465, fresco,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

The School of Tagaste (scene 1, north wall), 1464~1465. Fresco, 220 x 230 cm

Apsidal chapel, Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano

The School of Tagaste (scene 1, north wall), 1464~1465, Fresco, 220 x 230 cm

Apsidal chapel, Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano

View of the Right Hand Wall of the Chapel, 1464~1465, fresco.

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

St Augustine Departing for Milan (scene 7, south wall),1464~1465,Fresco, 220 x 230 cm

Apsidal chapel, Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano

St Augustine Departing for Milan (detail), 1464~1465, Fresco

Apsidal chapel, Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano

Upper portions of the east (window) wall, 1464~1465, Fresco,

Apsidal chapel, Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano

View of the vaults, 1464~1465, Fresco, Apsidal chapel, Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano

View of the Vaults,1464~1465m fresco. Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Visit to the Monks of Mount Pisano,1464~1465, fresco.220 X 230 cm,

Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Tabernacle of the Condemned,1464~1466, fresco.

Madonna and Child between Sts Andrew and Prosper (detail), 1466,

Tempera on panel, 137 x 138 cm, Museo Civico, San Gimignano

Madonna and Child with Angels and Saints,1466,Tempera on wood,Museo Civico,San Gimignano

Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Assumption of the Virgin, 1484,

Transferred fresco, Biblioteca Comunale, Castelfiorentino

Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Death of Mary, 1484, Transferred fresco

Biblioteca Comunale, Castelfiorentino.

Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Four Evangelists,1484, fresco.

Shrine of the Madonna della Tosse,1484,Transferred fresco,

Biblioteca Comunale, Castelfiorentino

Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Maria lactans,1484, Transferred fresco

Biblioteca Comunale, Castelfiorentino.

Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Maria lactans (detail), 1484,

The Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas,1468~1484, panel, tempera, 227 X 102 cm,

Louvre, Paris, France

Mystic Marriage of St Catherine,Tempera on panel

Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea "Aurelio De Felice", Terni

The Vintage and Drunkenness of Noah, 1469~1484, fresco.Camposanto, Pisa

Sinopia for the Virgin of the Annunciation, 1469~1484, Fresco, Museo delle Sinopie, Pisa

The Tower of Babel, 1469~1484, Fresco, Camposanto, Pisa

Madonna and Child, 1460~1485, panel, tempera, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI, US

Madonna and Child Enthroned Among St. Benedict, St. Scholastica, St. Ursula and St. John Gualberto,1490, panel, tempera, 153 X 133 cm, National Museum of San Matteo, Pisa, Italy

Shrine of the Visitation, 1491, Transferred fresco, Biblioteca Comunale, Castelfiorentino

Tabernacle of the Visitation: Birth of Mary 1491, Transferred fresco,

Biblioteca Comunale, Castelfiorentino.

Tabernacle of the Visitation: Annunciation: Mary, 1491, fresco.

Tabernacle of the Visitation: Annunciation to Joachim, 1491, fresco.

Tabernacle of the Visitation: Meeting at the Golden Gate,1491, Transferred fresco,

Biblioteca Comunale, Castelfiorentino.

Tabernacle of the Visitation: Expultion of Joachim from the Temple, 1491, Transferred fresco,

Biblioteca Comunale, Castelfiorentino.

Descent from the Cross, 1491, oil on canvas, 180 X 300 cm,Museo Horne, Florence, Italy

The Raising of Lazarus, 1497, 65.5 x 80.5 cm

The Raising of Lazarus (detail), 1497,


[출처] 『베노초 고졸리의 작품세계』 Ⅱ - Benozzo Gozzoli  [Italian : 1421~1497,Early Renaissance, Florentine School|작성자 ohyh45